Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cities of Autica: Ironwynne

The capital city of the Boar Province of Northedge, this massive city sits on the west coast, nestled within 100 miles of the Boar/Stag provincial border. The natural deep water harbor is one of the main ports of call for the southern provinces, and many traders bound for Greyhearth first step foot in Ironwynne.

Immense smooth stone walls surround the city, dating back to the Origin War, when they were sung from the stone by the First. The walls were never breached by siege once in the entire conflict, falling to the Second only when the rulers were betrayed from within. Three main forts are built into the wall, two smaller buildings, with small portcullis to foot traffic only. One on the northeastern point, one on the southern point, these passages are sealed tight in the event of a siege, leaving the only point of ingress the colossal gates. Each gate rises as tall as the walls themselves, huge stone doors driven by ancient machinery within the walls, and they sit in two layers, with a small courtyard in between, for a total of four gates. Due to their sheer size, they are commonly left open year-round, closed only in times of peril. The keep that surrounds these gates houses most of the fighting force of Ironwynne, as well as the Grand General's tower.

From their manse in the city, the Duke and Duchess Umberland rule over the Boar province. While their power over their domain does carry final weight, they are assisted by three traditional advisors. Chancellor Maggitha, Chancellor Newn, and the Grand General Springworth, who is also responsible for the provinces armies and it's protection.

Ironwynne is one of the few cities in Northedge where the population is not almost entirely human. Its nature as a major port of call lead to a mingling of races unmatched anywhere else on the continent. Dragonborn Sorceror Lords ride through the streets to meetings with Halfling Trade Princes, Dwarves peddle their crafts to the townsfolk, while High Elves anchor their City-Ships off the coast of the city, bringing their goods to market. The humans of Ironwynne are as mixed as bag as the rest of the races, the dominant religion remains worship of the New God Ito, but temples and shrines for many deities pop up in the sprawling streets.

The population of Ironwynne long exhausted any real estate within the walls, and so, wanting to remain inside the safety of the walls, the city has extended into the sea. Floating districts stretch out in the harbor, growing out at least a half mile from the half-moon coast. Ships arriving in the summer seasons may find themselves docked nowhere near the city itself, with larger, or more opportunistic ships grabbing the prime spots in the inner harbour.

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