Thursday, April 23, 2015

Savant Spell and Gadget Lists.

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Savant Spells______________________________________________________

Cantrips (0 Level)________
Acid Splash
Blade Ward
Dancing Lights
Fire Bolt
Mage Hand
Minor Illusion
Shocking Grasp

1st Level_________________
Burning Hands
Color Spray
Detect Magic
Feather Fall
Silent Image
Tenser's Floating Disk

2nd Level________________
Arcane Lock
Flaming Sphere
Gust of Wind
Locate Object
Magic Weapon
Misty Step
Scorching Ray

3rd Level_________________
Dispel Magic
Lightning Bolt
Magic Circle
Major Image
Sleet Storm

4th Level__________________
Arcane Eye
Dimension Door
Fire Shield
Greater Invisibility
Leomund's Secret Chest

5th Level__________________
Bigby's Hand
Cone of Cold
Teleportation Circle

6th Level__________________
Arcane Gate
Chain Lightning
Flesh to Stone
Mass Suggestion

7th Level__________________
Delayed Blast Fireball
Finger of Death
Prismatic Spray
Reverse Gravity

8th Level__________________
Antimagic Field
Incendiary Cloud
Power Word Stun

9th Level__________________
Meteor Swarm
Power Word Kill
Prismatic Wall
Time Stop


Savant Gadgets_____________________________________________________

Adrenaline Booster
A thin, pink liquid sloshes around in the top of this container, and the bottom sports an intimidating needle. Upon injection, the user feels a burst of energy.
Duration: 1 minute. Bonus Action.
On your turn, you may inject yourself or a friendly target with this solution. For the duration, the recipient can use a bonus action to take the Dash or Disengage action on their turn.

Once the effects wear off, the user is left drained. For 1 minute, their speed is halved and they have disadvantage on Strength or Dexterity ability checks.

Dampening Rod
This metal rod is adorned with arcane runes. When placed upright in the ground, it lessens the effects of harmful magic nearby.
Duration: 5 minutes, or 3 bonus rolls. Action.
On your turn, you may place this rod upright on the ground, where it will stand perfectly vertical. Until the effect ends, whenever a friendly creature within 15ft of the Rod makes a saving throw against a spell or spell like effect, they may add 1d6 to the roll. Once 3 rolls, succeed or fail, have been used in this way, the Rod loses its potency and falls to the ground. Otherwise, it stands until the end of it's duration,

This round steel container is the size of a man's fist. Warm to the touch, a small pin protrudes from the top. When the pin is removed, the energy within reacts violently with the air, causing a fiery explosion wherever the (hopefully) thrown object lands.
Single Use. Action.
When you use the Firebomb, throw it to a point you can see within 50ft of you. Every creature within a 15ft square must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell DC. If they fail, they take 2d6 Fire damage. If they succeed, they take half the damage.
This damage increases to 4d6 at 5th level, 6d6 at 11th, and 8d6 at 17th level.

Hawk Goggles
These pale yellow goggles fit snugly over the wearers eyes. Once activated, they improve the users accuracy dramatically.
Duration: 2 rounds. Bonus Action.
On your turn, when you activate these goggles, they hone your vision and improve your aim. While active, you can see clearly in the dark as if it were sunlight, and you have vision out to 1km away, as long as you have a clear line of sight. All ranged weapon and spell attack rolls have advantage.

The goggle's arcane fuel burns quickly, and once it is spent the glasses crack and become useless.

Portable Repeater
This multi-barreled crossbow perches atop two pairs of wooden supports. Various hinges and buckles allow for easy and quick assembly. A steel belt rapidly feeds quarrels into the firing mechanism.
Duration: 10 Attacks. Action.
On your turn, you can assemble this gadget in an unoccupied space. Once assembled, any creature can use it to make the following attack:
Bolt: Ranged Weapon attack: (Proficiency bonus + Dex Modifier) to Hit, range 100/200ft. One target. Hit: 1d8 + Dexterity Modifier piercing damage.

This attack can be repeated up to 3 times in a turn, with decreasing accuracy. The first attack is made normally, the second suffers a -2 penalty to the roll, and the 3rd suffers disadvantage.

Once 10 attacks have been made, the Repeater collapses as the feed belt wears through the machinery.

This metal cylinder has a leather grip around the middle, and a large stopper on one end. When thrown, it creates a billowing cloud of black smoke.
Single Use. Action.
When you use the Smokebomb, throw it to a point you can see within 50ft of you. Upon landing, thick black smoke covers a 30ft sphere. All creatures inside are Blinded. Creatures that do not rely on sight, or have blindsense or tremorsense are unaffected.
Spike Mine
Full of jagged edges and barbs, this flat disk is bound tightly with a thick rope. Once deployed, it is triggered by vibrations, releasing hundreds of flaying spikes at it's unsuspecting victim's legs.
Single Use. Action.
On your turn, you can set this gadget on the ground. At the end of your next turn, it arms. Once armed, the first creature to move within 5ft of it triggers it. When triggered, every creature within a 10ft square must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed roll, they take 3d10 piercing damage and are unable to take a move action on their next turn. On a success, they take half damage and can move normally.

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