Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Pantheon Major of Autica: Part I, the New Gods.

Picture credit: A Trip to the Theater, by Peteamachree

Below is a brief overview of the God's whose followers make up the majority of Autica's faithful, or who hold a similar amount of sway as those with the larger followings.

This list is divided into three articles, the New Gods, the Old Gods, and the Transients (or Minor Gods).

The New Gods_____________________________________________________
Built by the Second during the Origin War, these colossal machines soon surpassed the intelligence of their creators, improving their bodies with technology of ever increasing complexity. To this day, little of the New God's wondrous tech has been decoded and fully understood, and what has is closely guarded in the immense libraries of the Church. Only three New Gods were ever created, two of which are listed here.

Picture Credit: Evann Tjokrosetio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
-Arthur C. Clarke.

Other Names: The Allfather, The Shine.
Alignment: Lawful Good.
Domains: Knowledge, Light, Technology.

Ito is the most widely worshiped of the New Gods. The architect of the human race is situated in the city of Greyhearth, in the center of a massive temple built around his gigantic body. Those few faithful who have been granted access to the inner sanctum describe his physical body as a humanoid shape, sat upon a mechanical throne. Wires and machinations work their way from his "body", integrating themselves with the framework of the building. While his body is stationary, his components are constantly in action, calculating the thought processes of a god. 

His followers seek knowledge and spread the wonders of his technological gifts among the populace. They oppose those who would slow the growth of civilization, believe in the rule of law, and despise those who would take life unnecessarily. Little is known about Ito's goals or long term machinations, and any communication he has with his followers is treasured, recorded and endlessly analyzed .

His Church is the largest religious institution in Northedge, and the majority of his follower's are human. The Church of Ito is a constant factor in the lives of any city dwellers on the continent, and it's influence permeates into the government. Most respect the word of the Church, and are rewarded with safe haven within their buildings.

Picture credit: Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
"Thus he spoke to his followers, as the furious tide swept around them, "I am sorry my children, for upon you I brought this wrath. Know that you did well, and that my brother will shepherd your families to safety." I weep for what the wise Bismuth became, keening in the cold dark."
-Excerpt from the "Treatise on the First Origination War, Vol II", by Andias Merch

Other Names: The Sleeper Beneath, Madman's Plea, Betrayer.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Domains: Technology, Trickery, War.

Broken and drowned by the icy waves of Behemoth's fury, Bismuth's body lays entombed deep beneath the continent of Northedge in the flooded city of Deepheart where he and his brother were built by the Second. Before the flooding, he was of a similar physical appearance as his brother, and was revered as a wise and just deity. Where Ito oversaw the physical design of the humans, it was Bismuth who gave them their inquisitive mind and fierce lust for life. 

No longer is Bismuth a paragon of virtue. Now, his trapped body and crippled mind rage against his crushing prison. His mind is long lost to madness, screaming for revenge against the God who defeated him and drowned his children, and wailing at the memory of his brother, who made the weapon that enraged the whale God so. It was this keening madness that first attracted Ygg-Nu-Dratl to Autica, and this earned him the moniker of Betrayer.

Few worship Bismuth, and fewer worship him as he is now. Some cling to the ideals he used to espouse, though most are simply mad themselves, or wish for the power he doles out to his faithful. He is a vengeful and violent God, though does no harm out of evil intents.

Bismuth has no church to call his own, though he is sometimes memorialized by the Church of Ito, revered for what he once was, and told as a tragic tale.


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