Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Witch Spell, Hex and Brew lists and descriptions.

Witch Spells_______________________________________________________

1st Level:                        
Armor of Agathys.
Arms of Hadar.
Charm Person.
Color Spray.

Detect Magic.
Disguise Self.
Find Familiar.

Unseen Servant.

2nd Level:                       
Crown of Madness.
Gust of Wind.
Hold Person.
Misty Step.
Spider Climb.

3rd Level:                        
Animate Dead.
Bestow Curse.
Dispel Magic.
Hunger of Hadar.
Hypnotic Pattern.
Magic Circle.
Major Image.
Remove Curse.
Vampiric Touch.

4th Level:                        
Dimension Door.
Hallucinatory Terrain.

5th Level:                         
Dominate Person.
Hold Monster.
Teleportation Circle.

6th Level:                          
Conjure Fey.
Create Undead.
Flesh to Stone.
Mass Suggestion.
Magic Jar.

7th Level:                         
Finger of Death.
Plane Shift.

8th Level:                         
Dominate Monster.
Power Word Stun.

9th Level:                        
Power Word Kill.
True Polymorph.

Witch Hexes__________________________________________________

Hex of Blinding Pain.
The victim's flesh becomes hyper-sensitive, causing the slightest injury to result in intense, disorienting spasms.
Whenever the creature afflicted by this hex takes damage from any source other than the Witch who cast this Hex, they must make a Wisdom save against your spell DC. On a success, nothing happens. On a failure, the victim takes 1d6 psychic damage,  has disadvantage on the all attacks they make, and cannot take reactions until the end of their next turn. This effect can only trigger once per round.

Hex of the Empty Mind.
When afflicted, the victim of this Hex has their mental functions impaired. Their mind slows, and forming short term memories becomes nearly impossible. They are prone to forgetting entire sequences of events, and have extreme trouble concentrating on even mildly challenging mental tasks.
The victim of this Hex immediately loses concentration on any spell effects, and is unable to concentrate on any spells as long as they are afflicted with the Hex. All spells requiring concentration cast by the victim fail, and have no effect. The victim suffers disadvantage on any ability check or saving throw that requires intelligence. After the Hex ends, the victim has no recollection of the events that happened while Hexed.

Hex of the Broken Limb.
The muscles of the victim begin to twist and seize, reducing the creature afflicted to a limping, pitiful mess.
The victim of this Hex has their movement reduced by half, and is unable to take the dash or disengage action. They provoke opportunity attacks from adjacent foes whenever they move voluntarily, no matter the distance. Creatures who rely on wings, or other physical means of flight, are grounded, and unable to fly until the Hex ends.

Hex of Virulent Hatred.
Whipping the target into a violent rage, the Witch masterfully redirects the aggression of a foe.
Choose a friendly target within 50ft of the creature you target with this Hex. Until this Hex ends, the afflicted target must attempt to do harm to the friendly target you chose. If they are unable to, they instead attack the nearest hostile target. As a bonus action, you can choose a new friendly target for the Hexed creature.

Hex of the Puppeteer.
Animated by dark magic, the victim's body begins to move independently of their wishes, shaking and jolting as if held aloft by invisible strings.
While a creature is afflicted by this Hex, you may use a bonus action to move the victim 5ft in any direction for which the target has movement. If you attempt to force them to move into dangerous terrain, they can make a Strength save against your spell DC. If they succeed, the movement stops, and they remain in their original location. Additionally, as a reaction, you can impose disadvantage on any one attack or Strength/Dexterity check the victim makes.

Hex of the Pale Hare.
The Pale Hare shines his ghostly light upon the victim, enveloping them in a fog that amplifies their suffering.
While afflicted by this Hex, the victim has disadvantage on any saving throw they must roll because of a spell you cast. In addition, they emanate a faint light, creating dim light in a 10ft square around them.

Hex of Sorrow.
Sobs and wails wrack the body of the victim, and a creeping sense of desperation slips into their mind.
Every time a creature afflicted by this Hex starts their turn, they must roll a d6. On a roll of 4-6 nothing happens, and they may act normally. On a roll of 1-2, the victim is paralyzed by the weight of their sorrow, and are unable to take any actions on their turn.  

Witch Brews____________________________________________________
Brews are split into 4 Tiers, each with a minimum Witch level. Before learning a Brew from a Tier, you must meet the minimum Witch level for that tier. (IE, to learn a Tier 2 Brew, you must be at least a 5th level Witch.)

Tier 1__________
Minimum Witch level: 3.

Barkhide Brew
This viscous green Brew grows a thick coating of a wood along your body, allowing you to absorb more punishment.
Duration: 1 hour, or until the effect ends.
High:  Gain 1d8 + Con temporary hit points, noting them separately from the rest of your health. As long as the temporary hit points last, you have resistance to non-magical slashing, bludgeoning and piercing damage. As soon as the temporary hit points are depleted, the effect of the brew ends, and you are subjected to the withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal: The flesh underneath the bark becomes fragile, and easily marred. For 1 round, whenever you take bludgeoning, slashing, piercing, or fire damage, take an extra 1d4 damage (of whatever type triggered the effect).

Elixir of Savagery
This blood red brew bubbles and froths inside it's container. When consumed, it triggers a mad bloodlust.
Duration: 1d6 + 1 rounds.
High: Double the bonus granted by your ability modifier when determining damage after hitting with a melee strike. Additionally, if you critically strike while under the effects of this Brew, increase the die size of your weapon by 1 for all the rolls.
Withdrawal: Once the effect ends, you are left temporarily weakened. For 2 rounds, remove the bonus granted by your ability modifier when determining damage after hitting with a melee strike.

Ghost Whiskey
The air swirls endless in this seemingly empty container, but when imbibed, the heavy liquid cools the whole body, and the drinker becomes semi-transparent.
Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds.
High: You are able to move through foes as if they were friendly, and all opportunity attacks made against you have disadvantage. When you are struck with an attack that deals bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage, roll a d4. On a 3-4, the attack resolves normally. On a 1, the attack misses, passing through your body harmlessly. You have advantage on stealth checks, and can attempt to hide while only lightly obscured.
Withdrawal: For 2 rounds, you are sluggish in your movement, and slow in your reflexes. Lose half of your movement, and you are unable to take the disengage action.

Tier 2___________
Minimum Witch level: 5

Jojobunew's Horror Wine
A single green feather protrudes from this inky black brew. When consumed, a frightening spirit follows you, appearing only to your foes.
Duration: 1d6 + 1 rounds.
High: While under the effects of this brew, you may spend your reaction whenever you are hit with a melee attack to give yourself +3 AC. If this causes the attack to miss, the attacker must make a Wisdom save against your spell DC. If they fail, they are frightened until the end of their next turn. You have advantage on Intimidate checks, and are considered proficient for the duration of this Brew.
Withdrawal: The vengeful spirit turns on you for 1d4 - 2 (Cannot be less than 1) rounds, assailing your mind when you are in danger. Whenever you are the target of a melee attack, reduce your AC by 1. 

Troll's Blood Brew
This foul brown liquid reeks of decay, and tastes of warm earth. While under it's effects, wounds heal rapidly.
Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds.
High: At the start of every turn, regain 1d8 health + Con modifier.
Withdrawal: For 1d4 - 2 (Cannot be less than 1) rounds, you have vulnerability to Fire damage, and cannot regain hit points through any means.

Leech Draft.
Something squirms in the depths of this thick, white liquid. When drunk, your skin exudes a slick, clear liquid coating, and you are able to metabolize the blood of your foes.
Duration: 1d8 + 2 rounds.
High: Whenever you hit with a melee attack, if you have a free hand, make a melee touch attack. If it hits, you grab the recently created wound, and consume the blood of your foe. Regain hit points equal to your Wis modifier, and deal damage equal to your Wis modifier. You have advantage on any checks made to escape from a grapple.
Withdrawal: For 1d4 rounds, the coating on your skin stiffens before sloughing off. You have disadvantage on any Dexterity ability check or saving throw.

Tier 3____________
Minimum Witch level: 10

Hen-Bone Firewater.
The flask containing this bright orange brew is hot to the touch. Drinking it gives the imbiber a fiery disposition.
Duration: 1d6 + 1 rounds.
High: For the duration of the Brew, you gain the following action.
Spit Witch-flame
1 action. Recharge 4-6.
You breath a dancing green flame in a 15ft cone in front of you.
Any creature in the cone must make a Dex save, or take 3d6 Fire damage,
and become disoriented until the end of your next turn.
 Disoriented targets suffer disadvantage on any attack roll
made against a target more than 5 ft away.

You also have resistance to Fire damage.
Withdrawal: As the Brew leaves your body, so does your heat. You have vulnerability to Cold damage for 2 rounds and suffer 1 level of exhaustion.

Numbing Tea.
This pale green liquid moves slowly around it's container, giving the airy liquid an illusion of viscosity. When drunk, it girds the body, and shuts down the pain receptors.
Duration: 4 rounds.
High: For the duration, whenever you take damage, take no damage. Instead, keep record of how much damage you would have taken.
Withdrawal: Immediately take 1/2 of the damage recorded as psychic, as the pain comes rushing back abruptly. This damage cannot be avoided or reduced in any way, and this Withdrawal symptom cannot be avoided.

Iron-Mind Tonic.
This grey elixir settles densely in the bottom-third of it's container, no matter how much is added. It gives the imbiber a superhuman ability to resist charms and persuasions.
Duration: 1 hour.
High:  While active, you have advantage on any Wisdom or Intelligence Saving throws. Anyone who attempts to persuade, or intimidate, or in any way influence your behaviour has disadvantage. You have advantage on concentration checks. You are immune to Charm effects.
Withdrawal: You become easily suggestible for 1d4 x 10 minutes, you have disadvantage on insight checks, and checks made to influence your behavior (Persuasion, intimidate, etc.) are done with advantage.

Tier 4                       
Minimum Witch level: 15

Brew of the Pale Hare.This silvery liquid emits a faint light from it's container. The imbiber is blessed with the otherworldly agility of the Pale Hare.
Duration: 1d6+2 rounds.
High: You have advantage on all attack rolls, including those made to cast spells, Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom saving throws, and all ability checks. Any creature attacking you has disadvantage on the roll.
Withdrawal: For 2 rounds, you are unable to cast spells, or use the Hex or Brews class feature.

Crone's Tears.
Bubbles rise through this sky-blue brew. Drinking it cleanses the body.
Duration: 2 rounds.
High: Upon drinking this brew, remove all poisons, diseases, magical effects or curses effecting you, and regain 5d8 hit points. For the duration, you are immune to any of the above listed effects.
Withdrawal: For 2 rounds, you make any saving throw against any effect that would cause poison, disease, curses or lingering magical effects, with disadvantage.

Coyote's Philter of Revelation.
The contents of this vial rapidly shift in texture and color. Drinking it revitalizes the mind, and renews it's connection to the arcane fabric of the world.
Duration: Instantaneous.
High: Regain 7 levels worth of spell slots. This can be in any combination of slots, as long as the total remains under 7. (IE, you could regain 1 level 7 spell slot, or 2 level 3 spell slots and 1 level 1 spell slot.)
Withdrawal: For the next round, creatures have advantage on saving throws caused by your spells. You are unable to benefit from more than one Philter of Revelation per day, resetting on a long rest. Drinking additional Philter's causes you to take 4d8 psychic damage.

04/09/2015 - Small edit to the Hex of Blinding Pain

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