Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Timeline of Autica's History, and the Autican Calendar.

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The Autican Calendar______________________________________________
Autica is a land dominated by it's elements. Dramatic separation between the four seasons shapes the calendar of it's people. The Autican year lasts for 380 days, separated into 8 months of alternating 47 or 48 days. Each month is marked by the cycles of Autica's dual moons, as approximately every 47 days both moons enter the new moon stage of their cycle simultaneously. Weeks last 7 days, and use the common denominations for their days.

The seasons change approximately every two months, with the coming of spring occurring at the beginning of the calendar year, follow by summer, autumn and finally winter. Spring and Winter last slightly longer, on average, by a week or two, than Summer and Autumn.

Years are currently tallied AGT (After Golden Tyranny). The current year is 264 AGT. This years stars-sign is the Leviathan.
Dates are written in Day/Month/Year format, whenever noted by scholars.

A Brief Timeline of Autica___________________________________________
(All dates have been converted to the modern calendar, and given proper designation.)

01/01/0001 BG (Before Gods)- The world is created, and the earth imbued with the beginnings of life.
37/02/2,230,305,296 BG - The First are created, and Autica is given it's name.
45/06/2,230,306,687 BG - The Second found Deepheart, and are separated forevermore from the First.
02/03/0001 AG (Age of Gods) - The Old Gods are ascended to divinity by Mot, and the Eye of the Gods is raised from the sea.
23/05/0600 AG - The bodies of what will become the New Gods are created.
14/08/1123 AG - The New Gods' processing power reaches into the realms of divinity, and new deities are born.
41/08/1123 AG - Mot orders the extermination of the New Gods, and the Second. The Age of Gods ends, and the Origin War begins.
17/01/3400 AW (Age of War) - The Old Gods create the Dwarves, Halflings, and the Elves.
19/03/3440 AW - Lavrari and Weawica are settled by the beginnings of the Wood elves and the Drow, respectively.
04/01/3446 AW - The Second, along with the New Gods, are sealed within Deepheart. Mot retires to slumber.
45/07/3470 AW - The Humans are created, and the Second doomed to extinction.
22/02/3502 AW - The Humans begin to retake the surface, and the Origin War begins anew. Mot remains asleep, despite the pleas of the Old Gods.
40/05/4500 AW - Roc is slain by the Grand weapon of what would become the Eagle province of Northedge, and the blast destroys most of the Hiplea Plains, creating the desert of Rocfell. In retaliation, Behemoth raises the sea, and floods Deepheart. Ito is brought to the surface, while Bismuth is crippled. The last of the Second drown.
32/08/4653 AW - Goliath is created, and he creates the Orcs.
15/02/4712 AW - Mot wakes, and is horrified. Jebenius becomes his preacher.
28/03/4765 AW - The Battle of the Split occurs. Jebenius is killed, Ish is split into Ishtu and Bellini. Mot ends the Origin War, and begins the Golden Tyranny.
29/03/0001 GT (Golden Tyranny) - The Golden Tyranny begins. Mot renames himself Benedictum, and puts Autica under his watchful eye.
35/03/0001 GT - Ysengrim spirits Ishtu away to the Drow in Weawica. The rest of the Gods are locked down by Benedictum, weakened and put under surveillance.
23/04/0023 GT - The Deep Wilds are formed, Ysengrim settles in them.
23/02/2300 GT - The first of many battles between the Dwarven kingdoms and the Khalisates of the Halflings begins.
24/02/3000 GT - The conflict between the Halflings and the Dwarves is ended via divine intervention. An uneasy peace is formed at the insistence of Benedictum.
37/01/3506 GT -  Ygg-nu-Dratl, drawn from the void by Bismuth, breaches into the sky over Lumin. Benedictum and his angelic legions fight an extended battle to push them out of the world.
38/01/3506 GT - The invaders are banished, and an exhausted Benedictum is turned upon by the Gods. His body is impaled upon the spires of Lumin. Divine energy floods Autica, and the Golden Tyranny ends.
21/02/0003 AGT - The first Dragonborn God-king ascends to proto-divinity.
30/05/230 AGT - The civil war between the Shifters and the Dragonborn begins.
24/01/264 AGT - The current date.

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