Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Savant

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 "Here, hold this. Now, put that bit over there. Yes, by the little whirrer. No. No, not there. The LITTLE whirrer, Goddamnit no! Well, of course if you put it there it's going to do that."
- Last words of Savant Mary Venmodez.
(As dictated by a scorched apprentice.)
Thick, black smokes rolls across the battlefield, flashes of light appearing as a woman throws explosives into the fray.
Blueprints in one hand, and an arcane tome in the other, a dwarf mutters incantations over a set of small crystals, before gingerly placing them in a box.
Eyebrows smoldering, a gnome grins as his creation lurches and shudders to life. Metal fists crush a band of goblins as their master looks onwards.
All these people are Savants, mechanical masterminds and academic rogues, drawn to the wondrous power promised by the march of progress sweeping Autica.

Steel and Fire.
Savants fight with everything from explosives and magical artillery, to swordplay under obfuscating smoke, but far and away the most recognizable weapon in their arsenal is their Golem, an animate amalgamation of machinery and arcane magic, bound entirely to the will of it's creator.

Every Savant crafts a Golem unique to it's creator. These towering creatures serve as menial labor, carrying and working larger components that the Savant might have issue with themselves, as well as serving as bodyguards, using their impressive bulk to dissuade potential attackers, and to quickly dispatch more committed foes.

Mad Geniuses.
Savants dabble in the many disciplines of magic, along with whatever secrets they can learn (or steal) from the tightly kept libraries of the Church of Ito. This peculiar blend of primitive technology and arcane magic is seen as dangerous and impure to the more accomplished arcane academics, and blasphemous by the Church. As such, Savants tend to either work alone, or in collaboration with other like-minded scholars.

Some manage to find employ teaching and conducting research in the cities, while others work as simple handyfolk in smaller villages, while working on pet projects in their spare time. The only place where their work is not given queer looks is the military. The practical uses of their inventions overshadows any moral quandaries employers may have, and so many Savants find work in military installations, or as mercenaries or adventurers.

Those Savants who follow the adventurers path typically see the world as one big workshop, just begging to be tested and improved upon, seeking new and interesting knowledge wherever it lies.

Class Features:
As a Savant, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points:
Hit dice: 1d6 per Savant level.
Hit Points at 1st level: 6 + your Constitution modifier.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your constitution modifier per Savant level after 1st.

Armor: None.
Weapons: Simple Weapons.
Tools: Artisan's Tools (Tinker's Tools, Smith's Tools.)

Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom.
Skills: Choose three from: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Religion.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.
(a) A light hammer, or (b) A dagger.
(a) An arcane focus, or (b) A component pouch.
(a) An explorer's pack, or (b) A scholar's pack.
 . A set of Tinker's tools.
 . Your Golem. (See below).

(Savant Table)
Features Gadgets
per Day

1+2Golem, Spellcasting.--232----------------
4+2Ability Score
8+3Ability Score
12+4Ability Score
16+5Ability Score
19+6Ability Score


Careful study and reckless experimentation have unlocked the secrets of arcane magic to you. See chapter 10 of the Player's handbook for general rules on spellcasting, and the Savant Spell and Gadget List article for the Savant spell list.

At 1st level, you know 2 cantrips of your choice from the Savant spell list. You learn additional Savant cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Savant table. You know the cantrip Mending and it does not count towards your known cantrips.

Spell slots:
The Savant table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these Savant spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell burning hands and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast burning hands using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st level and Higher:
You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the Savant spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Savant table shows when you learn more savant spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the savant spells you know
and replace it with another spell from the savant spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability:
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Savant spells, as your magic relies on intensive study and comprehension of the patterns of magic.
You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a savant spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell Save DC = 8 + Your proficiency bonus +
Your Intelligence modifier.

Spell attack modifier = Your proficiency bonus +
Your intelligence modifier.

Spellcasting Focus:
You can use an Arcane Focus (found in chapter 5) as a spellcasting focus for your Savant spells.

Ritual Casting:
You can cast any Savant spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag.

You gain the ability to create a Golem. Each Savant creates their own Golem, a mechanical creature fueled by your arcane magic. Creating a Golem requires 500gp worth of materials, and 48 hours of hard labour. While each Golem is individual in it's appearance, and the particular materials that make up it's being, all Golems share a similar body type (bi-pedal, 7"5' - 8"5' in height.) and use this base set of statistics.

Savant Golem
Medium Construct, unaligned.
Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: (1d12 (7) + Constitution Modifier) per creator's Savant level.
Speed: 25ft.
STR     DEX     CON     INT     WIS     CHA
16(+3)  8(-1)     16(+3)   3(-4)   8(-1)     1 (-5)
Damage immunities: Psychic.
Condition immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned.
Senses: Passive Perception 9.
Languages: Understands the language of it's creator, but can't speak.
Construct: The Golem never needs to eat, sleep, drink or breathe, and is immune to poisons and diseases.
Immutable Form: The Golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter it's form.

Slam: Melee weapon attack: (Creator's proficiency bonus + Golem's strength Mod) to Hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 1d4 + Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.

Your Golem acts on your turn in the inititative. During your turn, you can verbally command it to take an Attack or Move action, and (if applicable) a Bonus action. If you cannot verbally command it, or it cannot hear you, it follows it's last given command to the best of it's ability. If unable to complete the last command, it simply does nothing.

If you are ever farther than 500m away from your Golem, it loses power and stops where it is, becoming inanimate until you are within 500m again, at which point it powers up again and waits for a command.

As you advance in power as a Savant, your Golem gains power as well, increasing their damage and survivability. See the Golem table below for more information. At 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th level, your Golem's ability scores increase, as per the Ability Score improvement feature. If your DM allows feats, your Golem cannot take feats.

In addition, when you first create your Golem, select one of the following options, and your Golem gains that feature.
(a) War Golem: One of your Golem's hand is fashioned into a heavy maul. Increase the damage of it's Slam attack by 1 die. When your Golem hits a Large or smaller creatue with an attack, you can force it to roll a Strength saving throw, being knocked prone on a fail. You can use this feature once per long rest.
(b) Shield Golem: Large plates of metal are fashioned to the arms of your Golem. Increase it's AC by +1. Whenever you are targeted by a melee or ranged attack, and are within 5ft of your Golem, you may spend your reaction to force the target to make the attack against your Golem instead. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Golem's Con modifier before needing to recharge with a long rest.
(c) Arcane Golem: Arcane runes and markings are inlaid into the body of your Golem. The Golem gains the ability to cast 1 cantrip of your choice from the Savant spell list. This cantrip does not need to be one you already know. It's spellcasting ability for this spell is your Intelligence. At the end of every long rest, choose 1 spell that you know of 5th level or below. Once before your next long rest, you may cast that spell without expending a spell slot.

If you wish to change your Golem's feature, you must spend 250gp worth of materials, and 12 hours of labour. Upon completion, your Golem loses whichever feature it had before, and gains a new one of your choice.

If your Golem is reduced to 0 hit points or below, it ceases functioning until it is brought above one hp.Your Golem cannot regain health through normal means. Casting Mending on your Golem heals it for 1d12 + your Intelligence modifier. Alternatively, a Golem can be restored to full health if you spend 15 minutes working on it with Tinker's Tools.  If a Golem is completely destroyed, it must be rebuilt from scratch.

(Golem Table)
4Ability Score
8Ability Score
12Ability Score
16Ability Score

Starting at 2nd level, you learn how to create wondrous inventions that assist you and your allies in battle. Whenever you take a long rest, you may spend 1 hour and 15 gp worth of materials to create a Gadget. See the Savant Spell and Gadget List article for information on the individual gadgets you can create.
As you increase your Savant level, you can create additional gadgets every long rest, as shown on the Savant Table. Each Gadget created after the first takes 10gp worth of materials, and 20 minutes of work.
You cannot hold or create more gadgets than the number of gadgets you can make per day (as shown on the Savant table) + Your intelligence modifier. If you create more, the oldest gadget stops functioning.

Quickened Mending_________________________________________
At 2nd level, whenever you cast the cantrip Mending you can reduce the casting time to 1 Action.

Savant Guild_______________________________________________
At 3rd level, you choose to affiliate with either the Guild of Golemancy or the Tinker's Guild, detailed at the end of the class description. This choice grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 6th, 14th and 18th levels.

Ability Score Increase________________________________________________
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Experienced Golemancer_____________________________________
When you reach 10th level, you outfit your Golem with one of the following features. This feature does not replace the earlier choice of feature.

(a) Overcharge: You streamline the inner workings of your Golem to make its system more efficient, and capable of bursts of power. Once per day, as an bonus action you may issue this command to your Golem. For the next minute, it gains an extra 20ft of movement, and double it's Strength modifier for the purposes of determining damage.

(b) Sentinel: You graft heavier armor onto your Golem, allowing it to absorb more punishment. Your Golem has resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. In addition, it gains a Reaction that can be spent on opportunity attacks, or whenever an ally within 5ft of your Golem is targeted with an attack, the Golem may spend it's reaction to give the attacker disadvantage.

(c) Charged Fist: You attach arcane capacitors to the hands of your Golem, which crackle with lightning. Change the damage type dealt by it's Slam attack to lightning.  As a bonus action, you may speak a command to your Golem. Your Golem's next attack deals extra lightning damage equal to your intelligence modifier, and the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell DC or be Stunned until the start of your next turn.

Grand Experiment_____________________________________________

At 20th level, your zeal for experimentation and your mastery of arcane magic allow you to play with the fundamental rules of spellcasting.
Once per day, recharging on a long rest, you may combine any two spells of 6th level or below, consuming only one spell slot. Take the greater value for range and area to determine the targets of the new spell. (If the spells used different "areas" of targetting, IE Cone vs sphere, you may select either, but always use the greater of the two areas. If both spells force a saving throw, creatures must roll separate saving throws for the effects, and suffering the effects of whichever they fail against, or both. Both component spells effect all creatures in the area, even if one previously only specified a single target.

Savants Guilds________________________________________________
Picture credit:
Ostracized by more traditional academic institutions, many Savants have taken to assembling together to share their knowledge in organizations called Guilds. Your choice of guilds reflects the passions of your Savant.

Guild of Golemancy________________________________________________
The members of the Guild of Golemancy believe the Golems are the greatest creation of the Savants, and seek to improve upon their original designs, endlessly tinkering with patient Golems until they are the ultimate weapon of war.

Arcane Conduit___________
Starting when you select this Guild at 3rd level, your Golem can deliver any spell you cast to a single target with a touch attack. To use this feature, you must cast the spell, and then your Golem must hit with a melee touch attack. If successful, the creature is affected by the spells effects with no immediate save. Area spells delivered in such a way become single target.

At 6th level, your Golem can attack twice, instead of once, whenever it takes the Attack action on your turn.

Master Golemancer________
When you reach 14th level, you may augment your Golem with one of the following features.

(a) Artillery: You attach cannons that spit arcane energy at far away foes. Your Golem gains the following attack: Cannons: Ranged Weapon Attack, (Creator's proficiency bonus + Creator's Intelligence modifier) to Hit, range 200ft/600ft, 10ft square, one target. Hit: 1d6 + (Creator's Intelligence Modifier) Fire or Cold damage, (Your choice). All other creatures within a 10ft square of the original target must make a Dex saving throw against your Spell DC, or take the same damage.

(b) Dazing Strikes: You improve the motors in the arms of Golem, allowing them to strike with more force. Whenever your Golem hits with a melee attack, the target has disadvantage on the next attack it makes. This effect stacks. (For example, if your Golem hit with two attacks, it would have disadvantage on the next two attacks it made, etc.)

Focusing Iris______________
Beginning at 18th level, you are able to channel your magic through your Golem, amplifying its effects greatly.
Whenever your Golem is included in the area of a spell you cast that would force other creatures to make a saving throw, your Golem automatically succeeds the saving throw, and takes no damage if it would usually take half on a successful roll.
In addition, any other creatures in the area have disadvantage on their saving throws against that spells effects.

Tinker's Guild_________________________________________________
Savants of the Tinker's Guild are innovators and mad geniuses alike. Driven together by a love for interesting new mechanics, these men and women are some of the most prolific inventors in Autica.

Surplus Materials__________
When you select this Guild at 3rd level, whenever you create a Gadget during a long rest, you also create 2 Firebombs in addition to the original creation at no cost. Firebombs created in this way do not count against the maximum Gadgets you can hold or create.

Starting at 6th level, whenever you use your action to cast a spell (including cantrips), you can use a bonus action to throw a Firebomb.

Master Craftsman___________
At 14th level, you create a set of new, powerful Gadgets. You gain access to the following Gadgets, in addition to rest of the Gadget List.

This small, smooth glass sphere thrums with energy. Launched with a sling towards foes, upon breaking it releases a chaotic torrent of lightning.
Single use. Action.
Choose a point within 60ft of you. Every creature within a 20ft sphere must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d10 lightning damage on a fail, and becoming Stunned until the end of your next turn. Creatures that succeed take half damage and are not stunned.
Boltspheres react violently with one another. If you are holding more than 1, for every 5ft of movement you make, roll a d20. On a roll of 5 or lower, they explode, subjecting you to the effects, and causing all creatures within a 20ft sphere to make a Dex saving throw, or suffer the same.

Watchful Eye
This unassuming iron badge is pinned the the bearers shoulder. Whenever they're threatened, it emits waves of energy designed to deflect incoming missiles.
Duration: 5 minutes.
As a bonus action, you may activate this Gadget. For the next 5 minutes, whenever you are targeted with a ranged attack, the attacker has disadvantage. In addition, you have advantage on any Dexterity saving throw against a damaging area spell effect. If you succeed on a Dexterity saving throw while wearing this, you do not take half damage on a successful save.

As a reaction, you may expend all remaining energy in the badge to cause a single ranged attack to miss, or to automatically succeed a Dexterity saving throw against a damaging area spell effect.

Once the energy in the badge is spent, it becomes an inert piece of metal.

Signature Invention_________
At 18th level, you become so adept at the design of  particular gadgets that you can nearly make them in your sleep. Choose 2 Gadgets from the Gadget list. You can make these Gadgets each once per short rest, taking only 5 minutes of time, and 5gp worth of materials. Gadgets created in this way do not count against the amount you can craft in a day, but do count for maximum carried.

15/05/2015: Added the entry for Ability Score improvement, accidentally omitted.

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