Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Witch

(Picture credit: http://www.deviantart.com/art/God-of-the-forest-153460252)

"Leave the towers and scrolls to the dull, dusty men that occupy them. Only we know the true nature of magic. Magic is a mother's wish for a dying child, or a curse of hen-bone. It is stories, legends and  wives' tales. Raw, and brutal, it suffuses everything here, and you only need know where to look to find it. Most are not prepared for it's true face. We are."
-Dunwitch Mizarel

A human sorts through walls of exotic ingredients, before adding a chosen one to a frothing cauldron.
Shadowed by the ancient forest, an elf mutters a dark curse. Miles away, a corrupt nobleman is wracked with pain.
Quick as a breath, a halfling darts through the fight, driving a foot-long metal spike into the flesh of a dragon. She smiles as the muscles in his legs tighten and fail him.
All of these people are Witches, the arcane masters of Autica's rural villages and wild places.

Folklore and Wild God's.

Drawing from the primal magic that saturates Autica, the Witches are arcane spell casters like no other. Where a wizard spends years studying tomes, a Witch lives among the people, learning from their stories. Their magic pulls from the rich folklore of their people, superstitions and omens that the Witches shape into deadly hexes and powerful brews. Not all herbalists or healers are Witches, but many do find their livelihood plying that trade. While distrusted and feared in more civilized lands, many a rural villager owes their lives to the potent power of a witch's brew.

Swift and Deadly

The Witches of Autica are no gnarled crones, or reclusive mage. Lithe and agile, they forsake the careful deliberation of Wizards and prefer the chaos of close combat. Every Witch carries their Pin, a foot long sharpened length of hard material, generally wood, metal or bone. This implement is the mark of a true witch. Adorned with runes or talismans of power, the Pin serves as a focal point for their debilitating hexes.
To survive the rigors of close combat without the heavy armor of a fighter, or divine magic of a cleric, the Witch relies on imbibing powerful brews that grant them temporary fighting prowess. These concoctions, while powerful, leave the Witch vulnerable after their effects wear off. This takes it's toll on the bodies of these adventurers. Witches, while physically fit, often look older than their actual age.

Class Features:
As a Witch, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points:
Hit dice: 1d8 per witch level.
Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your constitution modifier per Witch level after 1st.

Armor: Light Armor.
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Scimitar.
Tools: Herbalism Kit.

Saving Throws: Wisdom, Dexterity.
Skills: Choose three from: Acrobatics, Arcana, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Stealth, Survival.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
(a) A Scimitar or (b) Any light, simple weapon.
(a) A component pouch or (b) An arcane focus.
(a) An explorer's pack or (b) A dungeoneer's pack
 .   Leather Armor, and 2 daggers.
 .   A foot-long sharpened length of some hard material, known as a "Pin" (Described below)

(Table A)
Features Spells
1+2Spellcasting, The Pin.32--------
4+2Ability Score Increase.
Witches' Coven
5+3Crone's Guidance7321------
6+3Gift of the Crooked Tree8321------
7+3Evasion. 93211-----
8+3Ability Score Increase.103211-----
9+4Witches' Coven Feature1132211----
10+4Fade Out1232211----
12+4Ability Score Increase.
Gifted Healer.
13+5Witches' Coven Feature153322111--
16+5Ability Score Increase.1833322111-
18+6Witches' Coven Feature20333331111
19+6Ability Score Increase.21333332111

Your knowledge of the deep, dark secrets of Autica allows you to reshape the world as you see fit. You pull from the arcane fabric that underpins creation. See Chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook for general rules on spellcasting, and the bottom of this article for the Witch Spell list.

-Spell slots:
The Witch table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell cure wounds and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast cure wounds using either slot.

-Spells known of 1st level and higher:
You know 3 1st-level spells of your choice from the witch spell list.
The Spells Known column of the Witch table shows when you learn more witch spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots, as shown on the table. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the witch spells you know and replace it with another spell from the witch spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

-Spellcasting Ability:
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Witch spells. Your magic comes from your knowledge of local lore and customs, as well as an innate familiarity with the current of arcane magic.
You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Witch spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Wisdom modifier

Ritual Casting:
You can cast any Witch spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag.

Spellcasting Focus:
You can use an Arcane Focus or your Pin as a spellcasting focus for your Witch spells. If using your Pin as a focus, it does not need to be in your hand, but must be within 20ft of your location when you attempt to cast the spell, or the spell will fail.

The Pin____________________________________________________________
Upon becoming a Witch, one of the first acts they undertake is to create their Pin. A highly personalized implement, Pins are bonded to their creator. Creating a Pin requires a full week of dedicated work, and 50gp worth of materials. Pins may be made of any hard material, and are commonly carved from bone, wood, or metal, though more exotic materials are possible (Ask your DM) All the work to create the Pin must be done by the witch, without any outside assistance.

The Pin is a sharpened stake, measuring generally around a foot in length. They weigh anywhere from 1-3lb. The Pin is a light, finesse weapon with which you have proficiency. It deals 1d4 piercing damage. If your Pin is destroyed, you take 2d8 psychic damage, and must wait until the next full moon has passed before beginning the process of creating another. As long as you and your Pin are on the same plane, you always know it's location. You can voluntarily sever your bond with your Pin, this process takes 1d4 hours, and incurs the same penalty as having it destroyed. You may only have one Pin created at a time. If you try to create another, your old one is destroyed, and you suffer the effects normally.

You can use your Pin as a spellcasting focus as long as it is within 20ft of you, and it is integral to the casting of your Hexes.

Starting at 2nd level, you are able to channel crippling hexes through your Pin. To hit with a Hex, make a special melee attack with your Pin, declaring the Hex you are casting before making the attack roll. If the attack is successful, your Pin embeds itself in the flesh of your target, subjecting them to the effects of the Hex. You may end the Hex at any time on your turn as a bonus action, if you do so, the Pin teleports to your hand (If you have a free hand) or lands at your feet (If your hands are full). A creature may attempt to remove the Pin as an action, doing so requires them to roll a Strength check against your spell DC. On a success the Hex ends, the Pin is removed, and returns to you as if you had ended the Hex voluntarily. On a failure, the Pin remains in the target. If the target dies while under the effect of your Hex, the Pin returns to you in the same manner, without needing to spend the bonus action. You may only have 1 Hex active at any time.

You can prepare a number of Hexes equal to the base for your level (As shown on the Table B) from the Witch Hex list, during a long rest. Casting a Hex requires a Hex slot, of which you have a number equal to that shown on Table B. Hex slots are regained at the end of a long rest. Additionally, when gaining a level in this class, you can choose one of the Witch Hexes you know and replace it with another Hex from the Witch Hex list, the level of which cannot be greater than your Witch level.

(Table B)

Starting at 3rd level, you unlock the ability to create powerful brews infused with your magic. These brews must be prepared and carried with you. You know a number of Brews equal to the base for your level (As shown on Table B) from the Witch Brew List. When learning new Brews, the level of the Brew learned cannot be higher than your Witch level. Additionally, when gaining a level in this class, you can choose one of the Witch Brews you know and replace it with another Brew from the Witch Brew list, the level of which cannot be greater than your Witch level.

During a long rest, you can prepare as many Brews as you have Brew slots. During the ritual, containers for the Brew are summoned, and disappear as soon as the brew is consumed. Brews last for 24 hours before becoming inert. Only the Witch who made the Brew can consume it safely, anyone else who consumes a Witchs' brew becomes violently ill, regurgitating it immediately.

All Brews have two effects. The first, beneficial portion, hereafter referred to as "The High", takes effect immediately upon drinking the Brew. The second, negative portion, referred to as "The Withdrawal" comes into effect on the next turn you take, after the High wears off.

Imbibing a Brew is a bonus action, unless specified otherwise in the Brew's description. Once a Brew is active, it must run it's course, you are unable to voluntarily cancel the effects. A Dispel Magic or any spell or effect that cures poison or diseases can end the effects of a Brew prematurely.

Ability Score Increase______________________________________________
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Witches' Coven____________________________________________________
At 4th level, you choose to identify with a Coven. Choose either the Alchemist's Coven, or the Coven of the Pale Hare, both detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 4th level, and again at 9th, 13th and 18th levels.

Crone's Guidance___________________________________________________
Starting at 5th level, you may use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Dexterity when making attack rolls, or determining damage, when using a Light melee weapon. In addition, you can add your proficiency bonus to damage when using a weapon you are proficient in, and if that weapon is Light. Your attacks are all considered magical, for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance.

Gift of the Crooked Tree______________________________________________
At 6th level, you are so familiar with the making of alchemical substances that you are able to smell poison or disease in any food or drink. As long as your sense of smell is unimpeded, you are considered proficient in perception when trying to detect if a food or water source is tainted in any way. Additionally, double your proficiency bonus for this check.

Beginning at 7th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a red dragon’s fiery breath or an ice storm spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Fade out___________________________________________________________
Starting at 10th level, you gain the ability to merge with the Ethereal plane when threatened. Whenever you take damage, you may use your reaction to Fade Out. Your body becomes translucent as you straddle the barriers between the planes. Until you spend your action to attack, cast a spell, or interact with anything on the material plane, you remain in this state. While faded out, you gain resistance to all damage. You are still constrained by walls, or other obstacles in this state, but you can move through the spaces of foes, as long as you do not stop in them.

Gifted Healer_______________________________________________________
When your reach 12th level, your knowledge of the art of medicine is so great, that you are able to quickly stabilize a dying ally, no matter the situation. You may use your action to stabilize a dying ally without needing to make a medicine check.

At 14th level, you are able to magically warp the flesh around your Pin, causing the target immense pain. As an action, you can target a creature within 20ft of you that is afflicted by one of your Hexes. That target takes 3d8 magical slashing damage. This damage increases to 4d8 at level 17.

When you reach 20th level, you achieve the rank of Dunwitch. Your mastery over the flow of arcane magic is so great, you can break the resistance of foes with ease. Any time a foe succeeds a wisdom saving throw they made because of a spell you cast, you can use your reaction spend 1d8 health to force them to re-roll it. This ability can be used 3 times, with each use doubling the health cost (1d8-2d8-4d8) before needing to be recharged with a long rest.

________________________Witch Covens______________________________
(Picture Credit: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Forest-442672175)
While most Witches live solitary lives, or at least lives far from other Witches, all Witches belong to a Coven. The Coven's are organizations that span continents, whose members may go their entire lives without seeing another member. These groups share information and lore, mainly through the use of animal messengers, or magical sendings. Two main Covens make up the bulk of Autica's witches, The Alchemist's Coven, and the Coven of the Pale Hare.

Coven of the Pale Hare______________________________________________
A secretive, and selective Coven, this group venerates a wild spirit they call the Pale Hare, who is believed to give power to their magics. While meetings are rare, those that do happen are illusion-filled, and often deadly. The Coven of the Pale Hare specializes in debilitating magic, and crippling hexes.

Hare's Blessing____________________________
When you choose this Coven at 4th level, you are blessed with the agility of the Pale Hare. Whenever you hit with a Hex attack, enemies have disadvantage on any attack roll against you until the end of your next turn.

Force of Will______________________________
Starting at 9th level, when a creature attempts a check to remove your Pin, you may choose for them to make a Wisdom check, instead of a Strength check. Additionally, add your Dex Modifier for the purpose of determining your Hex DC.

Lust for Pain______________________________
At 13th level, you master the Hexing attack, performing it with such dexterity that you can carry the motion through into a separate attack. Whenever you hit with a Hex attack, you may make another attack with a weapon in your hand as part of the same action. In addition, the bonus from Hare's Blessing now lasts 1d4 rounds.

Mental Pin________________________________
Upon reaching 18th level, your will becomes sharp enough to project as a physical weapon. You are now able to summon a second, incorporeal Pin without destroying your physical Pin. You may have 2 Hexes active simultaneously. The second Pin follows the same rules as your original, with the exception that it does not need to be held in a hand to be used. You can only have one incorporeal Pin active at a time. Attempting to summon a second one results in the first disappearing.

The Alchemist's Coven______________________________________________
The Witches of the Alchemist's Coven are master potion-makers, and brewers of the most potent magical creations. Members of this Coven often find work in villages, selling medicinal concoctions, and other charms. However, in battle, these Witches rely on the infamous potency of their Brews.

Residual Inoculation________________________
When you choose this Coven at 4th level, your body becomes resistant to the withdrawal symptoms of your Brews. Halve the duration of Withdrawal symptoms caused by your Brews. If this brings the duration to 1 round or less, you are unaffected by the Withdrawal.

Sanguine Hex_____________________________
At 9th level, you are able to harness the life force of your foes, or yourself, to fuel your active High. Whenever a creature afflicted by your Hex dies, double the remaining duration of one active Brew effect. Additionally, at the end of each of your turns, you can opt to take 1d8 slashing damage to prolong the duration of a Brew effect by 1 round.

Starting at 13th level, while under the effect of a Brew, increase the die size of any weapon damage you deal by 1 size, and add you Int modifier to the damage roll.

Alchemical Veins___________________________
At 18th level, your body becomes seeped in the effects of one of your Brews. During a long rest, choose a Brew from the Witch Brew list of Tier 2 or below. You are under the effect of the High of that Brew until your next long rest.

- 04/08/2015 Removed the +Int bonus to known Brews, and the +Dex bonus to Prepared Hexes. Changed the "Known Brews" column of Table B to adjust for the change.

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