Monday, April 13, 2015

The Emissary

"Beware, you who keeps to the shadows and streets. A man comes to purge you with thunder and light. There is nowhere to hide, for he sees with the sight of the Gods. Make your peace, and pray your death is quick."
-Archbishop Gerard XI, Head of the First Church of Ito.

With a deafening crack, a flash of white light explodes from an alleyway, and from out of the smoke strides a man with a gun at his hip. The body of a thief slumps to the ground inside.
In a pristine workshop, a woman tinkers with a long rifle, before turning to silent prayer at an altar.
Light shimmers over the steel components of a man's arm, as he grabs an Orc by the neck, and slams him against a wall.
These people are Emissaries, enforcers given the wondrous gift of the New Gods.

Hands of Thunder.

Devotee's of the New Gods, the Emissary wields their technological weapons in battle. Each Emissary has his or her own Armament, a electromagnetically powered firearm, the source of their power, and their intimidating reputation. They channel the divine power of their patron to fuel these terrifying weapons, blasting their way through a battlefield, and leaving only the charred corpses of the unbelievers in their wake.

Devoted, Mind and Body.

To help in handling the immense power generated by their weapons, all Emissaries implant their arms with New God Tech, strengthening the flesh and bones, while giving the shoulder joint the requisite dampening ability to absorb the recoil of the guns. 

Most Emissaries worship Ito, and work as part of his Church. They work as enforcers, bodyguards for important personnel, and as missionaries, or crusaders, seeking out the enemies of the Church, and removing them. Many police departments in Northedge are headed by Emissaries, and people both respect and fear them.

Not every Emissary works for the Church though. Some choose to worship Ito in their own ways, wandering the world enforcing his will, and gathering knowledge. Even rarer, are those Emissaries who worship Bismuth, Ito's mad brother, entombed beneath the sea. These Emissaries tend towards chaos, but wield the same power as other Emissaries.

Class Features:
As an Emissary, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points:
Hit dice: 1d8 per Emissary level.
Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your constitution modifier per Emissary level after 1st.

Armor: Light Armor.
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Shortsword.
Tools: Artisan's Tools (Tinker's Tools)

Saving Throws: Dexterity, Wisdom.
Skills: Choose two from: Acrobatics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Religion.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.
(a) A Shortsword or (b) Any Simple melee weapon.
(a) A Holy Symbol or (b) A component pouch.
(a) A Priest's pack or (b) An explorer's pack.
 . Your Armament (See below)
 .  Leather Armor.
Features Guide Points
Per Day
1+2Armament, Body Augmentation.----
3+2Holy Path, Compel.32d8
4+2Ability Score Improvement.32d8
5+3Extra Attack.43d8
6+3Relentless Retreat,
Imbue Armament.
7+3Holy Path Feature.54d8
8+3Ability Score Improvement.54d8
9+4Divine Rounds. Techsense.65d8
10+4Charged Shot.65d8
11+4Holy Path Feature.76d8
12+4Ability Score Improvement.76d8
13+5Flawless Guide.87d8
14+5Inquisitor, Piercing shots.87d8
15+5Lightning Rod.98d8
16+5Ability Score Improvement.98d8
17+6Bombard. 109d8
18+6Holy Path Feature.109d8
19+6Ability Score Improvement.1110d8
20+6Eagle Eye.1210d8

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to craft a fearsome technological weapon, to complement your fighting style. Choose one of the following Armament options.
Crafting an Armament requires 24 hours of work, and 200gp worth of materials.

Dual Pistols_____________________
You prefer fighting with a gun in each hand. You gain the ability to craft the following weapon, with which you have proficiency. A pair of pistols counts as one Armament, for the purposes of crafting, and imbuing.

Emissary Pistol
"This small rail-gun packs an enormous wallop, but it is far to unwieldy to use without the proper training, and physical augmentation."
Martial Ranged.
Damage: 1d8 piercing.
Properties: Light, Range (70/200), Special.
Special: If you are not a 1st or higher level Emissary, or you have lost the Body Augmentation feature for whatever reason, you have disadvantage when making attacks with this weapon, it loses the Light property when you wield it, and becomes two-handed. In addition (If you are not a 1st level or higher Emissary, or do not have Body Augmentation), whenever you make an attack with this weapon, roll a d20. On a roll of 5 or lower, your shoulder violently dislocates due to the recoil. You lose the use of your arm until it is mended.

In addition, when you select the Dual Pistols Armament option, when you engage in Two-Weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Thunder Rifle____________________
You prefer to fight with a single, massive gun. You gain the ability to craft the following weapon, with which you have proficiency.

Emissary Rifle.
"This massive rail-gun is longer than a man's arm. It requires a steady hand, and a strong body to wield effectively."
Martial Ranged.
Damage: 1d12 Piercing.
Properties: Two-Handed, Range (120/400), Special.
Special: If you are not a 1st or higher level Emissary, or you have lost the Body Augmentation feature for whatever reason, you have disadvantage when making attacks with this weapon, and it gains the Heavy property. In addition (If you are not a 1st level or higher Emissary, or do not have Body Augmentation), whenever you make an attack with this weapon, roll a d20. On a roll of 10 or lower, your shoulder violently dislocates due to the recoil. You lose the use of your arm until it is mended.

When you select the Thunder Rifle Armament, you gain the following benefit: When you roll a 1, 2, or 3 on a damage die for an attack you make with the Emissary Rifle that you are wielding with
two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. The weapon must have the two-handed property for you to gain this benefit.

Body Augmentation________________________________________________
You infuse your arms with New God Tech, strengthening them to help handle your weaponry. Starting at 1st level, both your arms are fused with metal. You have advantage when contesting grapple checks using athletics, and can hang from a ledge or object indefinitely without needing to make an athletics check. You can carry an extra number of pounds equal to your Strength mod x 5 (cannot be less than 5) before becoming encumbered.

Starting at 2nd level, you are able to beseech your God to guide the path of your bullets. Whenever you make a ranged attack with your Armament, add your Wisdom modifier to the damage done. You also gain the following feature:
Guide Points:
You gain 2 Guide points, and you gain more as shown on the Guide Points per Day Column of the Emissary table. You regain all spent Guide points at the end of a long rest.
You may spend your Guide points with the following two options:

 . Guided Strike: Whenever you make a ranged attack with your Armament  you may spend 1 Guide point to add 1d6 to the attack roll. You can choose to activate this ability after the DM has told you if the attack is a hit or a miss, and if the extra 1d6 brings your attack roll over the target's AC, then the attack is considered a hit.

 . Condemn: Spend 1 Guide Point, and choose a target that can see and hear you within range of your Armament. You condemn that foe to death in the name of your God. Once per turn, when you hit with a ranged attack using your Armament, your attack deals an extra 1d8 Radiant or Lightning damage (Your choice). This damage increases as you gain levels, as shown on the Condemn Damage column of the Emissary table. You may only have one foe Condemned at a time, and you may not use the Condemn feature again until the current target is no longer afflicted. Condemn lasts for 10 minutes, or until the target is dead or incapacitated.

Holy Path__________________________________________________________
At 3rd level, you begin down your Holy Path. Choose either the Ascendant's Path, or the Path of the Just, both detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 7th, 11th and 18th levels.

Starting at 3rd level, whenever you would make an Insight check to learn the motivations of a person, or to determine if someone is lying, you can force them to make a Will save against a DC equal to 10 + your Wisdom Modifier. If they fail, they must immediately divulge any secret they were trying to hide from you, and they must tell you their motivations. A target compelled in such a way becomes hostile to the Emissary and their party after this effect ends.

Ability Score Increase________________________________________________
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack_______________________________________________________
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Relentless Retreat___________________________________________________
Beginning at 6th level, you learn to guard your retreat with increasing aggression. Whenever you take the Disengage action, you can make one attack with your weapon as a bonus action. This attack is not an Attack Action, and therefore does not benefit from the Extra Attack feature.

Imbue Armament____________________________________________________
Starting at 6th level, you can salvage the magical effects from other weapons, and imbue your Armament with those effects. Choose 1 magical weapon you possess. That weapon is destroyed, and all magical properties it contains are transferred to your Armament. This ritual takes 1 hour to complete, and requires 300gp worth of materials.

Divine Rounds______________________________________________________
Starting at 9th level, your attacks are considered magical, for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance. In addition, if the target has a vulnerability to Radiant damage, all weapon damage you deal is considered Radiant against that target.

At 9th level, you have advantage on any check made to determine the working of any mechanical system.

Charged Shot_______________________________________________________
Starting at 10th level, you learn how to channel tremendous energy into a single shot. Whenever you use the Attack action and only make one attack, increase the die size of your attack by 1, and double the damage bonus from your Dex modifier. The damage type dealt changes to lightning, or radiant (your choice). If the attack hits, the target must make a Con saving throw against a DC equal to 10+ your Wisdom Modifier. If they fail, they are Blinded (if the damage was Radiant) or Stunned (if the damage was Lightning). You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier before needing to be recharged with a long rest.

Flawless Guide____________________________________________________
At 13th level, when you use the Guide class feature, add a d10 to the attack roll, instead of a d6.

Starting at 14th level, you can cast Detect Evil and Good as a cantrip. Whenever you make an Insight check to determine something about a target, you learn it's alignment.

Piercing Shots_____________________________________________________
At 14th level, when attacking with your Armament, you score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.

Lightning Rod_____________________________________________________
Starting at 15th level, you are able to channel a foes lightning attacks into your weapons, giving them an extra punch. You gain resistance to lightning damage whenever you are holding your Armament. Whenever you take Lightning damage, until the end of your next turn, increase the die size of your weapon by 1, and change the damage type to lightning.

Starting at 17th level, your attacks carry so much weight that they are able to knock a target to the ground. Whenever you hit with a ranged attack against a creature that is medium or smaller, they must make a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 10 + your Dex modifier or be knocked prone. In addition, whenever you critically hit a target that is Large or smaller, they must make the same saving throw, with disadvantage.

Eagle Eye________________________________________________________
Beginning at 20th level, you can assess a targets weaknesses in the blink of an eye. As a bonus action, make a Wisdom check against the target's AC. If you succeed, you know the target's current health, any resistances, immunities or vulnerabilities, and your next attack against the target is a guaranteed critical strike. You can use this feature twice before it needs to be recharged with a long rest.

Holy Paths________________________________________________________

(Image credit:
Each Emissary honors their God in a unique way, your choice of Path reflects this facet of your character.

The Ascendant's Path__________________________________________
This is the path taken by those Emissaries who wish to emulate the mechanical bodies of their Gods. Adherents to this Path take great pleasure in augmenting their bodies, and finely tuning their weapons of war.

New Augmentation:_________________
When you select this Path at 3rd level, choose one of the following Augmentations.
Eyes of Ito: You replace one of your eyes with a mechanical substitute. You have advantage on perception checks that relate to your eyesight.
Holy Arms: You strengthen the mechanisms in your arms. You have advantage on any Strength check that uses your arms.
Ito's Legs: You augment your legs with similar mechanisms to those in your arms. Increase your speed by 10ft.
Mechanical Arm: You graft a mechanical arm to your back, near your shoulder. This arm can manipulate and hold objects under 10lb, but cannot operate weapons.

Iron Body_________________________
By 7th level, so much of your body is no longer organic, you have resistance to poison, and immunity to any disease. Choose another Augmentation from the list above.

Improved Armament________________
At 11th level, you have spent so much time tinkering with your Armaments, that you have improved their function dramatically. Increase the die size of you Armament by 1.

In the Eyes of the Gods______________
By 18th level, you have reached Ascendant perfection. You are more machine than man. Choose another augment from the list above. In addition, choose one of the following augments:
Gunbond: Your Armament becomes a part of your body. You are always aware of where your Armament is, as long as it's on the same plane of existence. You can use a bonus action to call your Armament(s) to your hands.
Divine Skeleton: You reinforce all of your bones with a support structure, making you much sturdier on your feet. As you can now fight the recoil of your Armaments much better, double their effective ranges. You have advantage on any saving throw against being knocked prone.

Path of the Just______________________________________________
Emissaries who take this path seek to honor their God through prayer, and by carrying out their will by annihilating their enemies.

Righteous Crusade_________________
When you choose this path at 3rd level, you gird your mind with your devotion. You always have advantage on Wisdom saving throws.

Divine Knowledge_________________
At 7th level, you are able to dive into the vast sea of knowledge your god possesses. You gain proficiency in Arcana, History, Nature, and Religion checks, if you did not already have them. Whenever you roll a 15 or higher on a knowledge check, treat the roll as a natural 20.

Thunder of the Gods_______________
Starting at 11th level, you gain the ability to cast Thunderous Smite as a 1st level spell a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier. Your Thunderous Smite can be triggered by a ranged attack. (This takes preference over the spell description in the player's handbook)

Booming Voice___________________
Starting at 18th level, you speak with the authority of your God. Whenever you use your compel class feature, the target automatically fails their saving throw. In addition, you may issue them a simple command, as if they were targeted by the spell Command.

15/04/2015: Fixed an accidental omission in "Lightning Rod". Now correctly states how to trigger the damage increase.
24/04/2015: Corrected a discrepancy in the Emissary table. Now correctly lists Relentless Retreat as a 6th level feature, instead of Flashcloud.
26/04/2015: Major Balance changes, see for details.

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